It is revealed that the stationmaster had kept many slaves and stuffed them for his own keeping, including Nell, Levi, and the conductor.

There, she finds a hidden door and discovers many animals that had been stuffed by the stationmaster. She follows the guidance of the conductor's ghost, which leads her to the station. As Lisa is leaving, Heidi tells her that it is hard when people don't believe you, indicating that she knew what she was doing. Heidi seems to have no memory of what happened and tells the doctor that when she didn't get out of the tub like she was supposed to, her mom pulled her out of the tub really hard, making it even harder to believe Lisa's story. Concerned, the family takes Heidi to the hospital, where her story is questioned. Lisa pulls her out and attempts to use the Heimlich maneuver to expel the water from her lungs, only for Heidi to cough up sawdust and insects.

The stationmaster is seen standing next to Lisa as Heidi is face down in the bathtub. When Heidi takes too long, Lisa returns to the bathroom as the lights flicker. When Heidi insists that an evil exists in the woods, Lisa becomes frustrated and tells her that she cannot believe her because she cares about her and orders Heidi to get out of the bathtub. Andy relays this information to Joyce and Lisa, who then relays it to Heidi, but tells her that the stationmaster was a good man and helped a lot of people.